Sunday, November 24, 2013

I wish I had more time in Madrid!

I think Saturday was the one day during the trip that I stayed in bed late - until almost 10 am! I guess it had to do with drinking that pitcher of Sangria the night before!!

Since breakfast wasn't included with the room, Beth and I decided to grab something to eat before taking the tour bus through central Madrid.  Julie called and said that she and Joan were meeting with Esteban and Polly. So we all walked down the street to an outdoor cafe. 

This was the restaurant that had the outdoor seating.

Julie, Polly, Esteban, and Joan.

It was a lovely day to sit outside for a bite to eat. Julie was going shopping for a shower present. Joan was going with Esteban for a walk around Madrid. They were all meeting Angel for lunch at 3 pm in the main plaza. We were to meet them there under the clock tower. They helped us figure out what stop it was on the tour route.

Then Beth and I headed back to the plaza where we had picked up the bus yesterday.

We passed this huge library display of used books for sale. I guess they have it annually.

Of course, all the books were in Spanish.

The library stands were to the right of this fountain.

I loved the street lights.

We finally found the correct stop for the tour bus and jumped on. 

I keep saying it - I love the details in the buildings!

Love the colors as well.

We were heading down into a tunnel. 

 I think it was around this time that Julie called to see if we were meeting them for lunch. We were about 3 stops from where we were to meet them. Although I wanted to go to lunch, Beth wanted to see the Royal Palace. I have been to Ireland many, many times and Europe several times. At some point all the churches and palaces become a blur. But Beth had only been to Ireland back in 1977 with my father and myself.  Everything was new to her.  So we went to the Royal Palace.

Love the Church, but what about those clouds - they look like they are on top of those buildings.

Too bad the bar from the tour bus is in the middle of the picture. This is the same Church as above. I like the statues and crosses.

Talk about a rooftop garden! And the detail around the windows with their shutters. And the carvings!

All the plants and flower pots on those two balconies. And the blinds or screens are different colors on each floor. And look at the design above the windows

I love the yellow building with the detail above the windows. Then there is the contrast with the more modern building beside it.

The rounded building with the details - especially between the 2nd and 4th floors - caught my eye.

We were supposed to meet the others for lunch under a clock tower - I can't remember if this was it.

Colorful blue flower pots and the arches - some of the buildings like the one beside it reminded me of Wedgewood.

I was dying to get out here and look around this square - it is one of the busiest looking places we saw - there were loads of people and shops.

Isn't this building fabulous? 

Close up of part of the previous photo. There is so much to see on just this building!!

We got off at the Royal Palace.

Had to walk down this street to the entrance. 

The Royal Palace was built in the 1700s. I read that it was inspired by architectural sketches that Bernini made for the Louvre - which the French never used. This connection to Bernini sparked my interest. When I went to Rome with Mairead, the Breens, and St. Patrick's Family Players, I reread Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. Bernini's works were prominent in that book, and I went to see every one that was mentioned in the book. So I felt a connection to this palace.

I guess the Hapsburg dynasty had died out by the time the palace was built. I remember studying about the Hapsburgs, the Bourbons, the Holy Roman Empire when I was in high school. Those royal families were spread across Europe. They married family to maintain and expand their holdings. But, there was so much inbreeding in the Spanish royal family in particular, that infant mortality and genetic diseases were common - and that eventually spelled the end of the line. 

The same was true with Queen Victoria's family - some of whom had hemophilia.  I remember doing family trees of all these royals when I was in high school - uncles marrying nieces, first cousins marrying, and on and on.  It wasn't easy to plot out! I guess this was when I first became interested in genealogy!

I'm not sure what it says but I do know that this is a memorial to the Spanish people who died in an uprising in Madrid on 2 May 1808. Napoleon's army had conquered Madrid and forced the King to abdicate. I think it was Napoleon's brother-in-law who was trying to move the deposed King's children out of Madrid. The people stormed this Royal Palace to try to stop Napoleon's brother-in-law. But the military opened fire on the people and put down the rebellion. There were hundreds of arrests and many of those people were later executed. Napoleon's brother Joseph was then made King of Spain. 

Spanish soldiers guarding the Royal Palace.

We jumped back on the tour bus after touring the royal palace.

The colorful sign for St. Christopher street. The saint carried the Christ child across a river - the child became heavier and heavier as Christopher tried to make his way - so heavy that he could hardly carry him. When they got to the other side, Christ identified himself to Christopher who became the patron sing of travelers and soldiers. Pope Paul the VI eliminated his feast day from the Church's calendar so many people think poor St. Christopher is no longer a saint!

Looks interesting!

Contrast of styles.

All the details!

More police


When we finished the tour, we decided to get a quick bite before heading back to the hotel. We walked back to the same outside cafe where we ate in the morning. We were almost finished when Julie called. She was having a drink with Polly and Angel in the hotel before they went home. So we headed back to the hotel when we finished.

We had a drink and some snacks with Polly, Angel, Joan, and Julie before Polly and Angel left. Elena called to see what was up for dinner, but Julie told her that they had had lunch, and Polly and Angel were heading home. Elena offered to pick me and Beth up in the morning to go out to breakfast and see her house. Joan and Julie were leaving the hotel at 7:30 am, but Beth and I had a late flight in the afternoon. I thought it was a great idea. So Elena arranged to meet us at 10 am.

Polly and Angel eventually left. The rest of us sat for a while talking. It was sad saying goodbye to Joan after spending so much time with her the last 8 or 9 days. 

Then, sadly, we all headed to our rooms to pack our bags for the final time. 

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