Sunday, November 24, 2013

Goodbye vacation!

Sunday morning I jumped up out of bed just after 7 am and got dressed. I ran down to the lobby to say goodbye to Joan and Julie who were grabbing a cab to the airport at 7:30 am. They weren't in the lobby yet so I sat down and was checking my emails on my phone. A guy came in a while later and was telling the receptionist that some of the streets were  blocked off because of a bike race or ride.

When I realized that it was 7:45, I asked the receptionist if Julie had checked out. She said Julie and Joan had indeed already left. Boy, what time did they get downstairs?!?!

I went back upstairs and checked that I had my passport. I am always checking for it the day I am heading to the airport. Beth and I checked out about 10 am and went outside to wait for Elena. It was another nice day - very quiet because it was Sunday. 

We were still standing outside when the receptionist came out looking for Mrs. Murphy - there was a phone call for me. I went inside - Elena was on the phone - she said she had been trying for an hour and a half to get to us. But the roads were blocked off for the bike ride or rally - the police would not let her through. She asked if we would take a taxi and meet her  - I can't think now of the name of the plaza. I asked her to give the information to the receptionist so she could write it down for me. 

The receptionist gave the information to Michael - he seemed to be a jack of all trades at the hotel - and asked him to hail us a taxi. Michael came outside - there was no traffic on our side street. So he grabbed our bags and headed up to the main drag. There was no traffic on this street either!! An occasional car would drive by - we could see taxis coming down the street but they would take a right turn about 3 or 4 blocks away.  Michael was out in the middle of the street trying to wave down a taxi, but none came down our way. So he grabbed our bags, and we headed to the busy rotary where we took the tour bus - except today there was hardly any traffic - all because of the bike ride. We crossed the street, and he told us to wait there. We could see some cyclists passing throughout this plaza. Michael was up and down the street - he finally found a taxi, put our bags in, and told the driver where we were going. 

I was surprised at how far we were driving - Elena must live in the outskirts of Madrid. We took a turn off the highway and then found that road was blocked. I couldn't understand the driver, but knew he was not happy! He seemed to take  a series of turns - he must have been trying to go a back way. All of a sudden he stopped the taxi and told us we were there. So we got out - not knowing where we were and not able to speak Spanish. I was thinking of how students in Ireland have to learn Irish and another language - I think many other European schools are the same. I took French for almost 8 years at St. Pat's - first it was taught on TV and then some of the nuns taught it. But I could never really speak French, although I liked it and was able to read and understand it. I loved Latin which made French easier. I took one semester of Spanish in college - what good was that?! I learned more Spanish watching Sesame Street with my kids!! But none of that did me any good now!

I found the hotel where Elena said she would meet us. I ran inside but she wan't there. I figured she must be having trouble getting here as well. So we waited outside. I told Beth that, if Elena could not get there, then we would just get a taxi to the airport.

Eventually, poor Elena came running around the corner - she was out of breath from rushing. We threw our bags in her car, and we were off. She took us to a nice spot near where she lived, and we had breakfast. She ordered some locals dishes, and we had cafe con leche. It was lovely. There were families having breakfast or lunch - Elena said that they were coming from Mass.

I love to watch people - to see how one person interacts with another or how family members interact. So it was interesting watching these Spanish families and couples. No one seemed to be in a hurry. But we were in a bit of a hurry - we had to be at the airport around 2-2:30. The food was delicious - especially the churros. Elena went to buy a loaf of bread when it dawned on me that she was paying the bill. Just like when we all had dinner on Friday - Angel and Leon wanted to pick up the tab!! I think it was Charlene who got up then and beat them to it!

We next headed to Elena's house before she was going to drop us at the airport. I loved her yard and house! I was so happy to see it. When we went into that yard and saw all the fruit trees that Leon had planted - olives, figs, apples, pears and I can't remember how many more!! It was fascinating - Johnny and I have had a garden since we moved to the Cape - he has planted apple and pear trees as well as a vegetable garden. We have had hardly any luck with the apples and pears - crows grab them before they are fully grown. We have had chipmunks or something eating our tomatoes and strawberries. So I was really happy to see everything growing in Elena's yard. At the back door was a grape vine with paper bags over the grapes to discourage the birds. Elena said that they have the same problem with birds eating their fruit.

When I went into the house, I knew Elena was a kindred soul when I saw all the pictures and mementoes - things that belonged to their parents and Elena's aunt. I felt right at home! But we couldn't delay. We said hello to Leon who was watching TV. Elena told us to take a look around while she made us sandwiches for the plane. Then we were off to the airport - I grabbed one of Leon's apples as I left. I almost died when Elena told us that her niece was coming to visit, and here she was taking us to the airport!! We could have taken a taxi!! In the rush of dropping us off at the terminal, I walked away with her sunglasses.

And that was the end of the vacation except for the flight home. And what a trip it was! I love London - I love the age and the history and the busyness of it. I was happy to see something new - Buckingham and Kensington palaces and wondrous Westminster Abbey. I missed not strolling through St. James' Park - one of my favorite places. But getting together with Patrick Rogers was probably the highlight of that part of the trip.

And considering that I had never really thought about going there, I loved Spain - and for the same reasons - it is so old and there is so much history! England has Henry VIII, the Defender of the Faith, breaking away from the Catholic Church; Spain has the Moors and the Reconquista. And the trip to Morocco was fabulous! Some of the best times in the south were interacting with Ivan and the Moroccan tour guide and the two gals from the paella and Sangria classes - they each shared part of their story with us.

Having dinner with Polly, Angel, Elena and Leon and then visiting Elena's home had to be the high points of Madrid. I love history - I love to see as much as I can when I visit a place - but nothing beats personal contact - to see how the locals really live. 

Would I go back? Of course I would! Although I would have liked some cloudy or even rainy days!  

So Julie, thank you for inviting me to Spain and making all the arrangements, thank you for organizing everything, and thank you for keeping track of the expenses on that spreadsheet. Thank you for introducing us to your friends - Joan and Charlene. And thanks for arranging time with Polly, Angel, Esteban, Elena and Leon. It was a blast!! Adios!

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