Thursday, August 10, 2017

Cruise of Resurrection Bay

I don't know what day it is - I don't know what time it is - I haven't acclimated to the change in time or the longer days. It is just barely dark when I go to bed at 11. When I wake up at 6 or 7, it is daylight. I am used to going to bed at midnight or later, and it is dark then at home, but I am too tired to stay up that late here. It is a lot different from the time change in Ireland. I think it is Sunday, but I know we are heading to Seward to take a cruise along Resurrection Bay. It is about 2 hours to Seward, and we have to be there at 11 to check in for our noon time cruise so we are leaving about 9 am.

We head back the way we went yesterday until we hit the divide for Seward vs Homer - passing signs warning about Moose crossings, areas with falling rocks, and avalanche warnings.  Adopt a Highway signs - Sam's friend adopted one area, and the following sign about 2 miles away says Sam's Other Friend adopted the next area. 

Above sign warns of the danger of an avalanche, and the bottom sign lets you know that danger has passed.

We didn't pass as many little fishing areas as on the other side of the  Kenai peninsula - there was more space between little groups of houses. It seemed like such a remote area until we came into the Seward area where there were more houses, shops, businesses - they were pretty well spread out until we reached the immediate outskirts of Seward which was a lot bigger port than I expected. Everything was again new looking. Opposite the harbor were gift shops, a hardware store, coffee shops, fast food joints. There were a couple of restaurants and pubs on the harbor past the Kenai Tours building where we checked in. There was a Holland Cruise line ship docked in the harbor.

A nice gift shop in Seward

This is a restaurant - look at the low lying clouds in background. 

A look down the sidewalk in Seward

We got in line and moved up to the counter where we got our tickets for the cruise which includes a salmon and prime rib buffet on Fox Island. Dan and I each paid about $14 extra for king crab legs - we each got an extra ticket for the crab. We had about half an hour to park the car and look around the shops.

Kenai Fjords office and gift shop

My ticket for the buffet.

When I headed to the loo, Dan took the car to the parking area and
came back by shuttle. Amanda had gone for coffee; Mairead and I had walked across the street to look at a couple of gift shops. Poor
Dan thought we had abandoned him when he got off the shuttle.
He's not interested in shopping so he walked along the harbor. 

We all met up on the deck outside the tour building. We watched people boarding 2 Kenai Fjords tour boats close by - those tours were 8+ hours long. Ours is 4 hours.

Look at all the boats! That was a surprise.

Holland American cruise ship in background - Dan had considered a cruise at one point but then decided on doing our own thing.

At 11:30 am the loudspeaker told us that we could start boarding. We walked all the way down the pier and boarded the ferry. 

Mountains in background as we walked down the pier.

Nunatak was the ferry we were taking. 

All the seats outside were taken so I went down to grab a table inside - and found an empty one near a window. Mairead stayed up on the open decks. Dan, Amanda, and I sat at a table for 6. After the necessary safety instructions, we were under way. We had not gone too far before the captain pointed out a bald eagle sitting on a buoy! He was explaining that the area lies at the juncture of a temperate rain forest - think broad leafed trees in an area with a lot of rain - and a boreal forest - think coniferous trees like pine and spruces. In between these 2 areas are the Kenai Mountains. I really had to shake out the cobwebs from my brain when he was talking about rain and boreal forests!

The captain talked about the earthquake in 1964 - it hit 9.5 on the Richter Scale. He said that Seward township was located much closer to the water at that time. He told us that what the earthquake did not damage in 4.5 minutes, the 30 foot tsunami, that came in its wake, carried a quarter mile inland! The Tsunami reached as far as Oregon. Now Seward and other coastal communities are rebuilt further inland - like we saw in Girdwood. The captain also told us that there are 25-30 minor earthquakes daily in the Seward area. He said it is not a question of whether there will be another large earthquake - the question is when will it occur!! Good lord, between avalanches, earthquakes, and North Korea's missiles, I'd be afraid to live in south central Alaska!!

This is the RV park which was built after the earthquake on the original site of Seward.

Scenery on way out of harbor.

The captain turned to the left/port so we could see some sea lions resting on the rocks.

Brown sea lions sunbathing on the rocks. 

The boss checking out what is going on.

Then we moved closer to the rocks to see the bird colonies - these in the picture are cousins of penguins - I can't think of their name. There are also guillemots, sea gulls, magpies but my favorite is a puffin. There is also a colony of puffins in the Skellig Islands in County Kerry - Skellig Michael is where Star Wars filmed. Puffins are lovely creatures. The pictures I took of them didn't come out though.

We headed by another group of sea lions relaxing on rocks.

Look at those mountains in the background!!

Next we headed to Fox Island where we were having the Salmon and Prime Rib buffet for lunch. And you know I was not touching that prime rib!! The island reminded me of the island that the Norwegian Cruise line owns - when we go on our 4 day cousins cruise, one day we stop at their island to swim, etc. and for a BBQ.

Here at Fox Island the food was delicious - I had silver salmon, great mashed potatoes, green/wax beans, and salad. I split the crab with Mairead - then I was stuffed. It was really scrumptious considering how many people they were cooking for.

The crab legs, that Dan and I had paid extra for, were split in half which made it so much easier to eat the meat.  They all seem to be enjoying the prime rib, salmon, and crab, don't they? 

Dan enjoying the crab legs!

I think Mairead had said that she had never had crab legs before.

My napkin was flying away.

We chose outdoor seating.

Creek running by restaurant.

Fox Island's rocky beach where kids were throwing stones - our ferry in the background.

What scenery!! And those clouds!!

There were reports of a humpback whale in the area so we headed in that direction. Not spotting anything, we sailed toward a glacier which is a massive body of dense ice constantly moving. We didn't see anything as dramatic as a glacier calving - when a large chunk of ice drops off the glacier - we'll save that for the next trip! We saw a snow covered mountain of ice with patches where the snow had melted.  And we also saw some dolphins at a distance playing around near the glacier. 

Then suddenly the captain announced that the humpback whale was  again in our area. All the boats started circling the same area waiting for the whale to surface. I was startled when the captain yelled "That she blows!" - I guess I saw the tail entering the water or was it all the excitement that made me think I saw it?

We hung around for a while longer but no whale appeared. So we had to head back to the harbor.  We disembarked - Dan and Amanda went to get the car on the shuttle while Mairead scurried into a gift shop and I searched for a cup of coffee before they came back with the car.

I don't really like coffee - I normally have a cup of instant Folgers coffee every afternoon - or if I am out, I occasionally buy Paul Newman's iced coffee at McDonald's. I don't really like Dunkin Donuts, and I hate Starbucks - I hate strong coffee. So I go into this cafe and ask for a small ice coffee with extra cream and no sugar. It took the kid a couple of trips to get ice cubes - when he finally brought it to me, there was no cream.  I didn't want to keep everyone waiting, so I put 2 sweeteners into the coffee - it still tasted like crap - I added a third - still tasted lousy - but I figured a sip here and there would keep me awake till I drive home - the rocking of the very ferry had relaxed me so much that I felt like sleeping!!

So it was a surprise when Dan said he would drive home.

The others had thought about stopping and trying this guy's jerky, but in the end we just passed him by. They have tried several kinds of jerky - they seem to be interested in local jerky.

The tide had come in on those mud flats, and we had missed it - it is a bore tide - I believe it is a 10 foot high wave that comes rolling in over the mud flats. Would have been nice to see it, but I had forgotten to look up the tides. Next time!

It was surprising how tired we all were. But Mairead wanted to take a picture of the mountains at the end of our road to the Seward highway. So she and I drove down to the little shopping mall so she could take pictures. Dan and Amanda have been talking about getting tattoos in Fairbanks - now Mairead is thinking of it as well. She thinks she might like the outline of the mountains across the river along with something else - she is sketching designs.  Not me - I don't like pain - but more to the point, what happens to tattoos when your skin gets old and wrinkly and sags as you age?! But we'll see.

Mairead taking pictures of the mountains.

The intersection of Seward highway and Alyeska Highway

Our local shopping mall - Coast Pizza, The Ice Cream Shop, the Tourist Trap gift shop, Subway, a bakery, and a gas station shop - we didn't need anything more!! And if we did, New Girdwood has a general store.

We took a ride around New Girdwood - found the small airport, checked out some cute houses, but people were home now, and Mairead said I would look like a stalker taking pictures with people in their yards. We did find Girdwood's laundromat and shower facility which was voted #1 in the country last year! Imagine - you can take a shower while your clothes are also washing!!

There was also thrift shop with these two blokes out front. I'll have to tell Amanda - she loves yard sales - a thrift shop can have the same treasures!

Time to catch the news and weather - hoping tomorrow is a good day as well - like the last few days!

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