Monday, September 23, 2013

There is nothing like traveling!

My computer says 12:18 am - I guess that would be 5:18 English time. I have been awake for a couple of hours - jet lag is fun!!

Yesterday - Monday - Beth and I decided after checking into our room to jump on the Big Bus Company's Hop On, Hop Off Bus and take a tour of the city.  Beth has never been here before so I thought the tour might give her some orientation of where places are. I had bought a 48 hour ticket for 28 GBP - an online special - 24 hour tickets are 30 GBP.

We wanted a red bus with live commentary. To my surprise and delight, there is a stop across the street from the hotel!! So we jumped on, made our way upstairs, and I grabbed a window seat in the second row - we were under cover in case of a shower. Being inconsiderate, I didn't think to let Beth have the window seat - after she had put up with the middle seat and the comatose man beside her for 6+ hours in the plane. I blame being tired on grabbing the prime seat!

Justin was our tour guide. He was young - gave some information about things we passed - kept asking if anyone had questions. When someone did, he would repeat the question, answer it, ask if he had answered the question, and ask if anyone else had a question. This went on and on and on! There was more talk about questions than there was commentary!

Our first stop to pick up passengers was the side of Buckingham Palace - I could see Queen Victoria's statue. When we moved on, Justin told us that when we reached our next stop, we would all have to leave the bus and transfer to a new one - his work day and the driver's were over. A new bus with live commentary would arrive within a couple of minutes. I try to roll with the punches and this didn't seem too bad - we were outside - why complain like the others that they had just got on this bus.

As we were turning down a narrow street, I guess the bus hit a cab and broke the side mirror. I didn't know this right away - all I knew was that a crazy cab driver had pulled in front of our bus and stopped. The cabbie was screaming at the bus driver, people were gathering on the street and watching, and we didn't know what had happened. Justin announced that the bus driver has been driving buses in London for 20 years, was a safe driver, and we would be underway shortly. But we weren't. The cabbie was in front of the bus and backed the cab up until he was almost touching our bus so we could not get around him. He continued shouting and complaining. I was watching this in the reflection of a store window. 
The situation continued and then the passengers on the bus started. They complained that they were losing time for sightseeing, asking where another bus was and why didn't someone call the police. They said they were getting off. Justin explained where the next bus stop was. But, of course, it was not that easy. We heard yelling and screaming downstairs in the bus. People came back up yelling that the bus driver would not let them off the bus. We were all trapped! Justin announced that it was against the law for the bus to open the doors in the middle of the street. So the driver and cabbie are yelling on the street. Upstairs in the bus people are yelling that they are being held against their wills, they are being held captive - call the police, call the company, call someone - Justin has already called the company who told him that it is the driver's decision whether to let passengers off or not. This incensed some of the passengers. Beth and I just sat there laughing - what else could we do - it had only been 10 minutes! We had only been in London for 6 hours and we were being held captive on a tour bus!! I didn't turn around to look at the man who was yelling that he couldn't take being a prisoner any more - I said to Beth that I just hoped no one had a gun!!

After a couple more minutes a police car arrived - people on the bus were cheering!! We were all allowed off and told to walk up the street to get on another bus. I was saying to Beth that today people really want instant gratification - all this fuss from passengers and it was only 10-15 minutes!! 

So within less than 24 hours, we felt like we were held captive in that BA plane and then were held prisoner for 15 minutes on a tour bus!! 

But we were lucky! The next tour guide we had was great!! Graham knew his history and was very pleasant - he also had a great voice - he broke into song several times as we drove by theatres that had musicals playing.

Again I couldn't believe all the construction!! And the teeming masses of people! There were so many people - and so diverse!! Maybe I haven't been into Boston recently or maybe I've lived in the Cape too long.  I was amazed by the hordes of people rushing to the Tube stations!  It was evening rush hour. 

We were over near the First Court when pedestrians stopped traffic with a demonstration. A group of them would walk back and forth in the zebra lines (crosswalks) which would prevent the traffic from moving. I didn't mind being held captive the first time, but I was way too tired for this - I wouldn't have blamed the bus driver if he had just driven over them when we finally got up to them!

We finished the tour at the stop back at the hotel. I was exhausted. We looked into a place near the hotel, but Beth said nothing on the menu appealed to her. We walked up to Westminster Abbey. We decided to get something take away at a nearby cafe and go back to the hotel. I had delicious potatoes with cheddar and bacon - except it was so salty!! and there must have been almost a pound of bacon!! I love potatoes and the potatoes in Ireland and England have to be the best. Beth bought a turkey sandwich. 

We ate in our room. I was knackered. I took a shower and then could not keep my eyes open - it was about 8 pm. I went to bed with my hair wet and woke up with a Mohawk!!

Today we may jump on the tour bus and stop to visit Buckingham Palace. The state rooms are only open in August and September when the royal family is away on holidays. Then we may take the tour bus to Kensington Palace for a tour and later check out Harrods. Beth wants to take a cruise down the Thames so we may finish the afternoon with that. Or if anything unexpected comes along, we'll try that!

And today we will take pictures. I guess I am getting old - I was to tired to take any yesterday!!!

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