Thursday, December 17, 2020

The End of Quarantine

 Sunday, December 6

Of course I was up late last night watching those BBC detective shows. I set my alarm for 9 am just in case I should oversleep and miss Nana Murphy's Mass. But I was up at 8:30 having tea and toast when my alarm went off.  I left about 10:15 to pick up Larry - then we headed into Sneem. There was no one at the Church when we arrived except the priest. Then Johnny Casey and his wife arrived. Monica was next - I gave her 3 Christmas masks that my friend Julie had made - Larry had on the Christmas mask that Julie sent him.  Father Liam was organising things for Mass - he came over and said hello. He really is welcoming - he seems to speak to everyone who comes into the Church. I also like his sermons - they are relevant to what is going on. Today was the 2nd Sunday of Advent so he talked about how we prepare - for someone coming to visit, for making silage, for bringing home a new baby, for preparing the Covid vaccine - that sort of thing - and compared this to Advent being a time of preparation for the birth of Christ. He also praised all the volunteers including individual volunteers, community/local volunteers, national and internatioaal volunteers.

There was hand sanitiser at the entrance to the Church - only one door was open. Monica, Larry and I were sitting in the front row - every 2nd row was open - every other row was blocked off with ribbon. On each seat there was a piece of tape every 6 feet - so social distance could be maintained. Larry thought there might have been 20 people at the Mass. Father Liam and the Eucharistic minister brought Communion to everyone - he told us to remain in our places and to receive Communion in the hand - not the mouth. This was the first time since Beth and I were there in March that I have been in a Church. I had told Father Liam that I have streamed the Mass back at the Cape. He has a lectern placed in front of the altar and places his iPad on it to record the Mass. 

Inside Sneem Church at Advent

Larry stopped after Mass to ask Father Liam about having a memorial Mass for Sheila around Christmas. We met up with Monica and Helen outside - they had been to Nana and Mikey Paul's grave before Mass.  I offered them tea or a Bailey's coffee, but they decided to go home to Kenmare - we will catch up later this week.

When I picked Larry up, he had invited me to dinner - when I told him that I was also planning to invite him to dinner, he said he would come to my house. So I dropped him off, put my new phone number into his cell phone and address book and agreed that he would call after he fed the cows and put them in for the night.

When I got home, I cut up some carrots and parsnips and put them on to boil. I washed off Larry's potatoes - I only had 2 big ones and about 6 small ones - Larry would eat all of those - where are the rest of his potatoes? - surely I didn't eat all of them. Anyway, I also sautéed some of Larry's onions with a parsnip. 

When I had been cleaning, I had found a container of old nails, screws, etc. in one of the cupboards and had put them on a counter - when I put them in the back kitchen to make room on the counter, I found the rest of Larry's potatoes! I had put them near the back door to keep them cool. So I cut some up small and quickly made mashed potatoes which I know he likes and probably never makes for himself. 

The day was dry and bright but a little hazy across the Kenmare River. Larry called about 2 so I went back to get him - the sky was getting cloudy as I drove back there. Vincent Casey and his kids were back near the old house where I usually turn around. He had a cow or bull that he was taking back to Bohocogram. Larry was all ready - he had changed back into his good clothes after taking care of the cows. 

I gave Larry a Guinness while I heated up plates of chicken, potatoes, gravy and veg in the microwave. I could feel Johnny Murphy groaning - he always insisted on heating food in the oven - he hated the microwave - we used the range when we had one, but there is only the propane gas cooker. It didn't matter. Larry has a great appetite - he had 2 servings of everything plus some of the boiled potatoes!

As he was having a slice of rhubarb pie, I called Danno to see if they really got the predicted foot of snow - they only got 6 inches. I put Larry on - he had just been talking about Dan and Amanda so he was able to talk to both of them. I called Beth, and we talked to her for a few minutes.

Rather than having tea, I suggested we drive back to Castlecove to see if Leary's shop was open so I could get some diesel - I had forgotten to get it in Sneem. By this time it was after 3 and getting dark. Brendan was in the shop - it's always nice to see him - I knew his aunt Maureen/Molly very well when she ran the shop - she was a distant relative to both me and Larry through the Learys.

We had decided to drive to Waterville to see if anything was open down there. I was sad to pass the Blackshop especially because it was festively decorated for Christmas, but indeed it was closed due to Covid restrictions - it is a wet pub so cannot open - although out here in the country, I don't know why - so many people live alone - and even if they aren't alone, they are lonely and need some socialisation. I hope it opens for Christmas - I would hate to be in Gortdromagh for 6 weeks and never go to the Blackshop.

There were several houses along the way to Waterville that had Christmass lights - they were very cheery. I haven't been home at this time of year probably since we lived here in 1985-1988 - so I didn't know what to expect. I may run to Kenmare or Killarney tomorrow to try to buy an artificial Christmas Tree. We always had a real one when we lived here - Johnny Murphy would cut one down in the forestry and bring it home. Danno would make chains of coloured paper - I can't remember if we even had lights!

We checked out the Blind Piper but the lights were out. I love the Piper for a bowl of soup or a meal - I think Beth and I were back there twice last winter. Carroll's Cove is not opening until the New Year - Derrynane Hotel was closed - the Scarriff Inn is usually closed in the winter. It was nice looking down at the lights as we headed down from Coomakista into Waterville. The new Hotel and the Bayview were in darkness, but the Lobster Bar and the Villa Marie were open - there were a few cars passing. We jumped out and headed into the Lobster with our masks on - the staff had masks on as well. We sat at a table in the front of the bar and had a drink. A couple sat at a table 6 feet from us and another couple of people sat near the fireplace - they all were having a meal. More locals were in the back room.  Johnny Murphy probably would have known most of the people in the Lobster - but Larry and I didn't know anyone.

We headed home after finishing our drinks - I had wanted to see if any place was open in Waterville so I could drive back with Monica and Joan on Thursday if they come down - Larry will have the cows in by noon and come with us. The waiter said they serve food starting after 2 or 3 during the week. We drove by the Butler Arns as we turned around but that was closed. So when you leave Kenmare, there is no place to stop until you get to Waterville. What a change!!

I went into Larry's for tea - I only stayed an hour.  Poor Kerry loves Digestive biscuits - that dog must have eaten a half dozen - Larry probably buys them for Kerry! Larry kept telling me how much he enjoyed the day,  So I know he will enjoy Thursday because he has not seen Joan or Monica for months  -  Larry used to help Mikey Paul around Gortdromagh when we moved back to Boston - Mikey and Larry's father were great friends - and Nana grew up near Loughane.

I had just missed the beginning of Inspector Morse when I got home. During the commercials I put the dishes into the dishwasher. After Morse, I settled down to Inspector Lewis. It was a great day! Now it is 12:30 and I am going to bed.

Monday, December 7

I woke about 7:30 - I decided to go to Kenmare - Dunnes Store in Killarney opens at 8 am so I would rather leave by 7 am to get to Dunnes when it first opens.  I stopped along the way into Sneem to take a video of the mountains - it is too bad that it was so overcast.

The neighbourhood

Then I was delayed going to Kenmare when I ran into road works at Tahilla Church. This was the only traffic I saw - there was hardly a car going toward or from Kenmare.

I love this guy's job - turning the sign to Go when he hears from his co-worker on the walkie-talkie.

I hate the overgrowth along the road - it blocks the view - I would rather be looking at cattle or sheep or houses and farms than this brush that is now everywhere along the roads.

I love Blackwater Pier so I decided to stop - it is just before that bad sharp turn at Blackwater Bridge. You used to have to take a turn on the opposite side of the road and drive under the road to get to the pier. I came here a few times with my kids - the water was always full of jelly fish. It is very quiet and calm here - I could only hear birds chirping and waves splashing.

I eventually drove up Main Street in Kenmare, down by the Park Hotel, and then easily found a parking space about 3 stores down from Hallissey's hardware store. They had two Christmas trees left - a 4 foot and a 7 foot - I took the 7 foot - it was in 2 boxes - they opened the boxes to make sure all the pieces were there. They only had white lights - 39 euro for the box! I can buy a box of 100 lights for less than $5 at Walmart or the Christmas Tree Shop. Too bad they wouldn't work over here - we have loads of them at the Cape. I decided to wait and look for multi coloured lights. The lad in the hardware store carried the 2 boxes to the car - of course the trunk was too small - we ended up putting the boxes along the back seat. I decided to take a closer look at Aldi's. As I passed the Atlantic Bar, I noticed that it was open - too bad it was only 10 am - I'd love one of their dinners.  

My Mike had told me that he did a lot of his shopping at Aldi's when he was staying in Gortdromagh - he found it much less expensive than Supervalue and any shop in Sneem. A lot of things were less expensive but many were not the normal  brand names. I picked up a pre-packaged piece of hake - one serving size.  I bought a few other things including an artificial wreath for the front door. We are leaving Sneem New Year's  Eve so I don't want to be rushing to take a real tree or wreath down and disposing of them - we can use the artificial ones next year.

Lastly, I checked the large washing machines in the Supervalue parking lot - 8 euros which included the soap - it takes at least 30+ minutes. Next time I come to Kenmare, I am going to bring a large mattress pad that is too big for my washing machine in Gortdromagh. 

It was an overcast but dry day- I stopped a couple more places on the way home to take in the scenery.  I always wanted to see the Holy Well on the Kenmare to Sneem road so I pulled over. Unfortunately, the pathway was very slippery from the rain - it looks like it is a bit of a wet walk to the well - I was afraid to attempt it in case I'd skid and fall. Next time I'll wear better shoes or boots!!

Pathway down to the Holy Well.

I got caught in the road works again on the way back. They are paving and widening the road in front of Tahilla Catholic Church so only one lane of traffic gets through at a time. There are all kinds of lorries and machines along the road - red cones separate the lanes - at both ends there is the Stop/Go sign - the 2 men work by radio or walkie-talkie. There is also a convoy van that leads the traffic back and forth for the 1/4 to 1/2 mile of blocked lane. I had never seen this before. Sometimes there is a temporary timed red light that manages the traffic.

Sneem had a few cars - a couple of people shopping. I had a sudden craving for sausages and bacon so I ran into Christian's for the Clonakilty brand. I didn't stop at Pete's for black pudding - I wasn't that hungry.

I drove back to Beal to try to capture the "clouds" on the mountainside.

Davy Leary's sheep at Beal - this is near our Beal gate which is part of the Kerry Way - it also near the boundary with Moneyflagh.

I got home about noon and spent a good part of the afternoon cleaning the small and back bedrooms - I have been bringing things over since Vincent Casey finished repairing the house, but I have always had limited time because I was working and had limited vacation time. I emptied all the drawers and cupboards to see what I have - I covered a broom with an old pillow case and wiped down all the cobwebs along the ceiling - I washed the inside windows and swept the floors. I piled everything up on my bed and in my room. Kieran Casey, the electrician, called in the middle of all this. He said he had just found my voicemail and apologised for not calling sooner. He said that he would be by tomorrow to check out the circuit that keeps blowing. I was so relieved - not that he had called - but because he wasn't coming today - I hadn't yet showered, and I was sweating and was covered in dust and lint. Plus I had my old baggy jeans on that I use when I am cleaning - I wasn't too glamorous!

I tried to walk outside but we kept having showers - the morning had the dry weather. So I made chicken soup instead. I had a little cheese and crackers with grapes and cherry tomatoes with a cup of coffee about 3 so I wasn't too hungry later. I made some mashed potatoes from Larry's spuds and had those - perfect - what more did I need!.

At 9:30 I watched the 2nd episode of The Hunger: The Story of the Irish Famine - Liam Neesen narrated - it was a great documentary! The "famine" was such a tragic time, and Ireland was never the same. I am always saying that I would like to write up a little history about this neighborhood - Moneyflagh - Gortdromagh - Glenlough - the 3 townlands that I know best. At one time there were so many families living here - and now there are less than 100 people combined. I have all kinds of scribbles and notes with information from Johnny Murphy, Nana, Hannah John Helen - but some I can't read - others I can't remember all the details. Maybe sometime Larry, Lee and I can sit down and pool our knowledge. 

I missed a show about Tom Barry, but Wednesday night there is a documentary on another Irish Freedom Fighter - Ernie O'Malley - I have a book he wrote - I might even have 2. My sister, brother, and I are interested in the 1916 Irish Uprising and the ensuing fight for freedom - I have several biographies and autobiographies about that period.  

I called Beth - she had just moved into a condo before I left for Sneem. She said she is still unpacking boxes. I tried to explain to her how to call me using Facebook messenger so she isn't charged international phone rates. She said the Covid numbers were up in Massachusetts - the Governor spoke today but she missed it. She also said that Trump had refused more Covid vaccines from Pfizer because Pfizer was supplying the UK or the EU. I told her that the UK was starting vaccinations this week. When I hung up, I noticed the video icon beside the phone icon on her messenger page - I clicked on it and realised it could be used for a Face Time call - next time I'll try that. 

Tuesday, December 8

Okay - so today I have to finish cleaning before Monica and Joan come tomorrow. I have to wear a mask because of the dust - since I had the collapsed lung, dust and some strong smells make me short of breath. So not only do I wear a mask outside because of Covid, but I wear a mask inside to clean!

Kieran Casey, the electrician, came by - he said the problem is that the outside light has rusted and water got into it causing the circuit to blow. He said the lights shimmering in the living room is because the light bulbs are the wrong kind - he put dimmer switches in for us, but the light bulbs are not for dimmers.  He will order the part for the outside light and get the correct bulbs for the living room - he will be back as soon as the part comes in. He did leave the door to the circuit box open - I should be able to flip the switch if the lights go out again before Kieran comes back.

I went out for a walk after Kieran left. I started up toward the old house but started feeling short of breath - probably from the dust in the house - so I headed back down to the house for my inhaler. I had noticed a white van at the river - probably delivering to Bergin - there are always cars and vans going back and forth up there. I headed into the driveway but the van stopped and started beeping at me - the driver was yelling out something about Bergin - I pointed up the road as I walked closer. Then the driver said that he turns around at our driveway because he can't turn around at Bergin's gate - he jumped out and headed up to Bergin's. I was pissed - our gate is wrecked - perhaps from drivers backing into it! I went in for my inhaler, and the driver left while I was inside. I walked up to Bergin's gate - there is a white enamel container on the ground beside the gate - and a sign that says "Self Isolation" - and that deliveries are to be put in the container and the courier is to beep his horn or call a number listed on the sign. Sure they can't get in Bergin's gate but they can use my yard to turn around!

I drove over to get Larry at 6 - I had invited him for supper - I had some sliced ham that I needed to use up, and I had a big pot of chicken soup. He was happy to come over. We called Beth after eating - we used the Face Time icon on Messenger. Larry was amazed - Beth might have been surprised as well. We talked a short time - Larry is a man of few words on the phone. I had a little rhubarb tart left for dessert then we watched TV for an hour. Larry was ready to head home after that.

Wednesday, December 9

I made some "Irish" bread this morning to have it for Joan and Monica - I was to pick them up about 4 in Kenmare - I figured we could stop at the chipper in Sneem on the way back here. I needed bread for toast or sandwiches but figured I'd get it in Kenmare - it might be fresher. 

Monica must have called when I was cleaning the bathroom or taking a shower - my phone said she had called 3 times. When I called her back, she said that Joan was not feeling well today so they might just come down for the day tomorrow. We arranged that I would pick them up at 10:30 in Kenmare - if the day was good, we would pick Larry up about 1 and head back to Waterville for a bite to eat.

I went over to Larry's mid afternoon - I had called to tell him that Monica and Joanie were not coming down today - he invited me over for a cup of tea. The weather was getting bad - very strong winds, heavy rain, cold - I was asking myself why I was going out in such bad weather. But Larry is lonely - he is so happy to have me close by - everything is closed - no one is visiting because of Covid restrictions - what else do I have to do! I stayed until about 4:30 - it was pretty dark when I left. The storm tonight was horrid - downpours and blowing whistling winds. Of course the lights in the living room, front hall, and porch had blown. I turned around in the driveway and parked in front of the door. It was black outside now - the wind blew the car door open. I ran inside and settled down in front of the TV. My alarm went off at 10:45 pm - I was half asleep in the chair. I tried to log onto the weekly Zoom meeting with Julie, Beth, and some of Julie's friends - I was getting messages that my internet connection was unstable - that is not unusual but then I lost connection altogether. I couldn't use my phone either. So I went to bed - I have to get up early and hit Supervalue before picking up Joanie and Monica tomorrow.

Thursday December 10

It was still raining when I woke up at 8 am - there has been no glorious sunrise since my first morning here! I was watching the news while I had tea and toast. Today is a deadline for a Brexit agreement between the UK and EU, and it is not looking good. The UK wants 300,000 euros to allow EU fishermen into its waters - the EU is balking. The EU wants the UK to maintain the same standards for their exports as the EU so the UK does not have an advantage over EU states - but UK is refusing this - they say they can make their own standards - EU will not dictate to them. Lorries are backed up in Dover to get UK products to EU and in Calais to get EU products to UK before the deadline ends. The EU is standing firm - they don't want the UK to have benefits of EU after they withdraw - it may encourage other countries to do the same. The Brexters in UK are pressuring Boris Johnson for no deal. Quite a few Irish companies have plants in the UK plus Ireland does a lot of trading with the UK - so there will be a big effect on Ireland if there is no deal - prices will rise, markets for Irish cattle will drop, just to mention a couple.

I was so busy watching the news that I didn't get going until almost 10 am. There were floods coming down the mountains after the rain last night.

There was no traffic on the Kenmare road - the skies cleared up and there was some sun - a great morning for a drive along Kenmare River.  I picked Joan up at home, and we met Monica and Dan Mac in near the Cash and Carry - Dan looks good - he had forgotten duck eggs that he had for Larry. Monica switched cars, and we headed for Sneem - it was dry and partly sunny - and when the sun was out, it was a beautiful drive. I stopped at Christian's for bread and more rashers - Monica said they were coming for breakfast. Joanie seemed happy to be "home" as we approached Gortdromagh.  Monica is always happy and cheerful. When we got into the house, I put on water for tea, and Monica started a "fry up" - I usually grill sausages and rashers on the sandwich maker grill so I let Monica take over the frying pan. They hadn't wanted black pudding so we had rashers, sausages, and eggs with my bread. We chatted and caught up - the skies darkened and rain started - soon there was fog descending - not a day to go to Waterville. I called Larry to say we were cancelling the road trip - maybe next week instead. 

We headed back to Kenmare about 3 or 4 - again no traffic - again the skies brightened for the drive! Doesn't it figure!! Joan said she enjoyed the day out - give her a call if I bring Larry to the Atlantic tomorrow. Monica said a hairdresser is making a home visit tomorrow at 2 to do her hair and her daughter's and daughter-in-law's. 

I was getting hungry as I got to Sneem so I decided to stop at the Chipper for some fish and chips. I saw Eileen Burns - Patrick Breen's sister - outside her house near the Chipper - someone was bringing her a fresh Christmas Tree - I just said hello as I was technically still "in quarantine."

The fish from the Chipper was delicious and fresh with a light batter - most of which I removed. The chips were good too although I like mine a little more crispy. Best of all they weren't covered in salt!!

This darkness disorients me - it is dark by 4:30 - the nights feel like they should be so much later - sometimes 7:30 feels like 10:30!! There are some great programs on the TV besides the BBC detective shows. The Hunger/The Famine was fabulous - the shows on Irish Freedom Fighters Dan Breen and Ernie O'Malley on the Irish language station were excellent as was the Nationwide episode on RTE 1 on the Black and Tans burning Cork City. There are a lot of shows for Christmas - cooking shows, variety shows, Christmas movies. I feel like a slug sometimes when I settled down to watch TV - I save laundry and dishes till the evening so I am not sitting for so many hours straight!! I do try to walk during the day but it's not easy with all the rain and wind. My hips are bothering me sometimes changing gears -  I was supposed to have a hip revision almost a year ago but had to postpone it because of kidney issues and Covid. I am thinking about it again - elective surgeries have resumed - I need to be able to drive even if I can't walk too far. Anyway, I'll decide when I get back to the Cape.

Friday, December 11

I had called Larry last evening and offered to drive to Kenmare today and take him to the Atlantic Pub for lunch. We had already planned for me to pick him up at 4 to take him to Sneem for his pension. He jumped at the chance to go to the Atlantic! He was ready at 1 - we stopped at the Sneem Post Office for his pension. 

                                                                   View from Sneem Bridge

Sneem's South Square

Kenmare was busy! I circled around once but no parking near the Atlantic. So we got a space up near Eamon Tuohy's Pub and walked down to the bank - he went inside and I went to the ATM. Then we walked to the Atlantic - Caroline was behind the bar - it was very quiet - 2 men sat a table up near the bar at the window. We sat at a table near the front. Kitty Breen from Kelly's Cross was just leaving but came over to say hi to Larry and to introduce herself to me - she knew who I was. She sat at another table and we all talked for 15 minutes or so. Larry had ordered his standard - fish and chips but with mashed potatoes instead of chips. I ordered the roast chicken dinner - it was fabulous! The food here is always good. Larry had a pint of Guinness while we were waiting for our meals - I told him that there was no rush so he ordered a glass of Guinness and I had a pot of tea. Christy Lovett was one of the men who was there for a dinner - the other fellow left, and Christy came and sat at a table near us. Of course he knew all the gang in Kenmare - he was from Bonane but said he was living in town. Larry knew him and was asking about the price of calfs - he told Larry to wait until the mart re-opens in January before selling - the price might go up. I wondered if this was good advice in case there was no Brexit deal and no market for Irish beef - but what do I know.

We stopped at Supervalue and Lidl then headed to Sneem in the wind and rain. We had to stop at Christinan's for the TV guide - Larry had to go back to the Post Office, then to Hilary's and Pete the butcher's. He invited me in for a cup of tea when we arrived in Loughane - I stayed a short while and headed home - of course the lights were out - it was dark, windy and pouring rain. What else is new?!!? I did some wash and settled in for the night. 

Saturday, December 12

It was a warm dry morning - I opened all the windows and doors. I made a loaf of bread because Lee and Seamus were coming over tonight after Mass. Then I washed all the floors - I backed myself out the front door so I sat on the porch for a good spell while the floors dried. I only had flip flops on or I would have gone walking. I need to wash the outside windows but don't want to be climbing up on the top of the step stool with no one else here. I am surprised at times how the collapsed lung has effected me - I try to carry my cell phone with me - just in case - I am more cautious on the top step of the step stool since I am alone - just in case. I hate being like this! Maybe because it is so quiet over here - no where to go but to Larry's until quarantine finishes tonight - I am thinking about myself more. 

Larry called me asking me to go over early - at 6 pm - to write out some Christmas cards so he can post them tonight. I got there about 6:20 - he had tea cups and Digestive biscuits all set up. I am beginning to worry about how he will be when I go back to the Cape. I see him almost every day - he is looking forward to Mike coming too. At least I have wifi so I can text and call family and friends - I have lots of interests to keep me busy - but if there was ever an extended power outage, I would be lost after a couple of days. Larry listens to Radio Kerry and watches TV at night - I am sure the neighbours stop to talk - Johnny Burns visits during the week. But Larry says the nights are long and lonely despite watching TV - I don't think he likes being alone whereas I enjoy my own company.

Anyway we drove into Sneem in the rain - Larry had to go to Hilary's and then wanted to go to Christian's - we had bought the Christmas TV guide instead of this coming week's - but Christina's was closed. I swung by the Post Office so Larry could mail his cards. Then we headed to Church - Lee and Seamus were already there. Larry was collecting the money so we sat down front - we had our masks on and had used hand sanitiser when we walked in - now he was trying to get on a small pair of latex gloves because he was collecting the money. He said later there wasn't more than 20 people in the Church. We made no delay - Father Liam had cautioned everyone not to be talking outside of church in case we spread the corona virus to each other.

Seamus and Lee followed us to Gortdromagh. We had a great time telling old stories, tracing families, checking the 1911 Irish census for Lee's family in Derrah. This is the kind of visit I enjoy - not so many people are interested in the history of where they live, but when you find that someone, it is great. I had bought Guinness for Seamus and Larry - Lee doesn't drink so she had tea and some of my bread. I had bought ham and turkey for sandwiches, but Larry got edgy about 11 so they headed out - Seamus and Lee drove Larry home. I watched TV till 1-1:30.

And quarantine is over! 

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